School Values
At Hitherfield School we have high expectations of all our children, encouraging them always to do their best regardless of their gender, ethnicity, additional needs or beliefs.
We teach our children about the British Values - Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. We do this in a variety of ways, including modelling democracy (for example: pupil elections, General Elections, trips to the Houses of Parliament), through assemblies and our inclusive curriculum.
We are committed to educating in a holistic way, focusing on the social, moral, creative and artistic as well as the academic.
We have worked hard to build a school community with positive relationships based upon mutual respect and support. We are proud of the cultural diversity that makes up our school community, seeing it as a strength that we should celebrate.
We help children see the importance of taking responsibility for themselves, their actions and their learning. Ultimately, this encourages them to become independent learners and active members of society
With all this in mind we at Hitherfield hold 6 core values close to us and we embed these values into everything we do. They are:
RESPECT - due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others
EXCELLENCE – developing our strengths and confidence
UNITY – working together as a community
DETERMINATION – working hard and with purpose
TRUST - firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of each other
EXPLORE - travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it