Hitherfield PTA

Our PTA works closely with the school to the benefit of all our pupils, families and staff. This group of wonderful volunteers organise the main school events including:

  • the Summer Fair, the Christmas Fair, our Eid Party as well as various cake sales, secondhand uniform sales and other food events.
  • in addition to these events enhancing the community spirit of the school, they also raise large sums of money for the school.

Recent fundraising has been used to support reading books across the school, handwriting books, new playground equipment and other school resources.

To find out more or to get involved, please email the PTA at this address: hitherfieldpta@gmail.com


Parent Forum

Our parent forum was set up by our Inclusion and Anti-Racist Working Party made up of staff and parents/carers. This working party was established in response to the Black Lives Matters movement and has supported the school to improve the inclusiveness of his curriculum and working practices. 

To find out more please email the working party at this address: parentforum@hitherfield.co.uk