
Everyone in our school has the right to…..

  •  learn
  •  be respected
  •  be safe

Therefore everyone is expected to follow these whole school rules:

  • Do be gentle – Do not hurt anybody
  • Do be kind and helpful – Do not hurt people’s feelings
  • Do work hard – Do not waste your or other people’s time
  • Do look after property – Do not waste or damage things
  • Do listen to people – Do not interrupt
  • Do be honest – Do not cover up the truth


House point system

All children belong to a house group in which they remain. House points can be awarded by any member of school staff. Each week the children add their house points to a collective score for their house and the winner for the week is announced in assembly and displayed on the noticeboard.  Each term the winning house gains an award.  Please click on the link below to read our Behaviour policy in full.

Behaviour Policy